Hi Jeffery,
You can also
-go to Cortana ( or the search)
-Type in Run
- Then type winver.exe
Whoops sorry, I can be a dumbass sometimes, forgot about this section
Hi Jeffery,
This is not the System Information page, this is the System page. Please type System Information and find the version number. The page should look like this:
My machine doesn't show a build number. I wish the activation screen would work in the background, but on mine it hovers above everything and I can't get rid of it. It doesn't show up as a second process on my machine.
Hi Jason,
The build number would be 10240 - which is (i believe) the version number for all the windows.
Can't find a closer determination of builds...
Hi Rick,
What is the specific version number of this? I am interested to know if Microsoft have fixed a bug which is not present in my versions.
I am using the Windows 10 Enterprise version on my machines
Hi Rick,
I appreciate your contribution to the project, despite your issues.
Rick, would you mind telling me what version of Windows 10 you are running from the instructions in the previous post. It would be good to know what the specific version number is. I have a Windows 10 Home laptop here and a Windows 10 Pro virtual machine and cannot replicate the issue.
Hi Jeff,
I found that there is a nameless task running under Playit. I can kill it off in taskmanager.
Does not effect the rest of the application. It would be good though if it is closed automatically by Playit.
PS I have donated money, Even though the software might have flaws I think it is worth it supporting it. I can see good things already with the plugins.
The loading modules is just a little nagging thing for me, especially since it remains on top of all the windows.
Hi Jeffery,
I am unable to replicate this problem on Windows 10 Pro or Windows 10 Home.
Please could you tell me which version of Windows 10 you are running by going to Start Menu and typing System Information and pressing Enter.
Under System Summary you will see:
OS Name:
Please tell me the values of these fields.
Kind regards,
I'm having the exact same problem. I tried to contact support through email but was told to post here instead since I wasn't a VIP member. I am happy to donate, once the software works. Until then I have no answers and useless software. Do you guys actually have a fix for this or should I just delete it and move on.
HI Jason,
No there wasn't an need for that - the program started successfully. But the thing just kept on running in the background. In the Taskmanager is was running as a 2nd process, but without a specific name. I could end the process without any noticeable problems for the program itself...
Hi Rick,
I have not tested PlayIt Live on Windows 10 recently - I ran it on a Technical Preview in February and it started successfully.
Were you given to opportunity to submit an error report?
Rick Wilbrink
Hi guys, I recently (yesterday) downloaded Playit to see if it fits my"needs". I am currently using Windows 10 Insider (10162) and I noticed that during the use of Playit this "Loading Modules - MicrosoftGeneratedCode" is running in the background.
When I exit Play It - this is still running.
Will I just see this as a Win10 error and quietly sit till Win10 is official, or is there something going on in your sotware...