A good choice of mixer (as far as I can see).
I like the mic channel compressors and the two stereo channels.
A slight minus is that there is no obvious way of getting the USB audio on a fader but a big plus is that the USB audio appears on the headphone source selector so you could use it as the cue channel from PlayIt live and a two channel sound card (for example the Numark DJIO - currently £29 at Amazon) to feed the two stereo channels (5&6 and 7&8).
This is getting a bit advanced, so start simple.
First get the PC, PlayIt Live and the mixer working (press 2TR/USB to main) and when it all works (after a bit of configuration in PlayIt Live setup) you should see audio on the mixer bargraphs but not be able to do anything to control it other than the main faders
Then get B.U.T.T. going (select the Behringer "sound card" as the source) and connect to and see if that all works.
Then get two players on the mixer (use the PC sound output for this into one stereo channel).
Unpress 2TR/USB to main. You can then play "live sounds" on a mixer channel and pre-hear 2TR/USB on headphones (if you select it). A usable DJ set up.
More advanced is getting a 2 stereo channel sound card which would let you have 2 players on different stereo channels.
See how you get on and report back.
Yes B.U.T.T is only a streaming tool.
The broadcast chain would be PlayIt Live (sound card output) > Mixer > B.U.T.T. (sound card input) > (via a stream).
Although I've not used after a quick look at their website I found
which should help.
What sort of Behringer mixer have you bought ? You get a lot for your money with Behringer.
I only have a test stream ( "radio shed" ) which I'm running 24 x 7 experimentally to see how stable it all is. I don't go beyond my home network but have an Icecast server and a shoutcast server running on an old PC (using Ubuntu Linux). My next step may be to put Icecast on a Raspberry Pi and reduce the electric bill a bit.
When I can put some time to it I'll sort out a better library and try music rotation on PlayIt Live, but at the moment it is only a technical test.
Hi Paul,
It is very difficult to what is causing the out of memory issue, this has not been reported by any other users.
The report you have attached is the same the previous report (23rd Feb), did you pick up the wrong one?
Hi Jason,
I've tried again to connect to the platform and the error report now shows 'out of memory'.
Would you mind advising please?
Hi Mark,
Many thanks for your advice. I'll give this a try. The only reason I used the platform was it's simplicity to get 'on air' but for broadcasting, I don't like their dashboard at all. I much prefer Playit Live as I have been using it presenting on a station for a while.
Would you have any recommendations which server I should use and how to set everything up please? I love presenting but I am not too technically minded!
As an alternative and to test settings I suggest giving B.U.T.T. a try ( ).
B.U.T.T. will happily run on a PC with PlayIt Live at the same time but (obviously) requires an audio input.
If you are using a mixer with PlayIt Live this shouldn't be a problem for you.
Hi Paul,
The error report is indicating that the bassenc.dll file is missing the from the program files folder. Can you verify this file is present at C:\Program Files\PlayIt Live.
I've tried as again but I'm getting an Oops appearing when I try to connect. I've attached the error report.
Can you advise please?
Hi Jason,
Many thanks for your fast reply. I noticed from your software there was three options of Icecast, Shoutcast V1 and V2. I tried to connect with Shoutcast V2, so perhaps that why they wouldn't connect!
I'll give it a try. If I can get your software up and running with platform, I will be making a denotation for sure.
Hi Paul,
According to their FAQ, 'Any broadcasting software that supports the SHOUTcast V1 protocol is compatible.'. The PlayIt Live Internet Broadcast plugin is compatible with Shoutcast V1 so this should work.
Kind regards,
Paul McBride
Does anyone know if Playit Live can link with the platform? Any info would be appreciated.