No voice available through headphones in Segue editor
Brian Grice
started a topic
over 4 years ago
Using D Kool headphones in the jack I can hear the track, but not the sound of my voice that I am recording. I cannot change the Segue playback to anything other than Realtek speakers??
Thanks for the reply. I am using a USB microphone (Fi fine) and using JVC headphones via a 3.5mm jack to my laptop.
The voice track is recording, and I can hear the music of both outgoing track, and incoming track but not my voice as I record the link.
Strangely, if I plug the headphones into the jack at the back of the mic, I can hear my voice, but not the music!
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you
Mark Hawkins
about 4 years ago
I’ve not been able to confirm with a quick Google but the microphone output is probably just the microphone clean. If it appears as a sound card output in Windows you could try sending the audio there.
I assume you are voice tracking (something I’ve not tried) and it may be that PlayIt Live won’t mix the two audios to give you a cue feed. A mixer would do this but not work with a USB mic.
Brian Grice
Using D Kool headphones in the jack I can hear the track, but not the sound of my voice that I am recording. I cannot change the Segue playback to anything other than Realtek speakers??