A very neat looking box.
What are you using as the interface ?
MIDI or button presses ?
I looked at joystick port interfaces but never reached a conclusion.
And here is another off-the-shelf option for triggering :
Hello PIL community. In response to the OP, Elgato Stream Decks, X-Keys, and BitFocus Companion play nice with PIL, in addition to a variety of software, scenarios, and situations. Off the shelf, configurable, and reliable.
Photos as in my write up.
Inside during construction:
Also, how are you going to do the play and stop ?
The keyboard shortcuts only have
Live Assist Mode: Fade & Stop
Live Assist Mode: Insert Selected Track To Play Next
Live Assist Mode: Pause Playout
Live Assist Mode: Play Next
Live Assist Mode: Start Playout
Live Assist Mode: Toggle Current Item Segue Type
then loads of Quick Cart functions.
I bodged it slightly on my fader start by making fader open do "Play Next".
I had mixer fader starts so used them and went for the overall start, stop, pause and next controls.
Have a look at:
It's going well after most of a year (of not very heavy use).
Ideally I would have had a button to MIDI converter but the button to keyboard isn't bad.
Mark Phillips
Just thought I'd post a couple of pictures of my plan to build a remote button unit for use in conjunction with PIL.
Stage one was using a cardboard box to see if the spacing would work.
There will be a total of 7 buttons on the unit, 3 green for Play on decks 1, 2 and 3, 3 red for Stop on the same decks, and one yellow for the Next Item button.
The pictures show that, in my initial calculations I failed to account for the size of the microswitches and need to space the switches very slightly further apart, to allow for the crimp connectiors.
However I think it's going to look good when complete. Stage 2 is I've ordered a suitable plastic case to mount them in. Comments? Would anyone else find this useful?