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Trying PlayIt for first time but plugin won't install!


I installed Playit many weeks ago to try it out, but I never got time to actually load it up and use it once! Then a few days ago I reinstalled my Windows 10 as a clean install on a new HDD and today I decided to install it again to give it a try.

After installing Playit, I downloaded and activated the streamer plugin but when Playit loads up it gives a message in a red bar at the top of the page stating "Plugin failed to install: Plugin package is not valid for this machine"

Any ideas please?


You need to associate the plugin with the correct computer. If you do not select the correct computer the plugin will not work on any other computer.


Hi Jason,

Thanks for your reply but I don't get why this didn't work first time...I downloaded the plugin minutes after installing the program again, then installed and successfully activated (on this new system) the plugin immediately afterwards!? So how come it failed?



Hi LJ,

Plugins are fixed to the computer they have been associated to. Your old plugins are associated to LJA-PC1, you'll need to re-download and associate to your new computer, LJA-PC.


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