Hello, i bought the Now Playing plugin....and none of the intended servers cant find the text file on my pc computer , this is the text file when browsed in Now Playing plugin (C:\Users\digga\Documents\nowplaying.txt) so it does not work, no Metadata... how to fix this. thank you!
Hi Kroffi,
If you have now playing information written to a file, this is usually used by external encoders such as BUTT where you can select a location of the file to send. What encoder are you using?
hello, i am using Rocket Broadcaster Pro.
Hi Kroffi,
You can use these instructions to reference the nowplaying.txt file in Rocket Broadcaster Pro: https://www.rocketbroadcaster.com/docs/configuration/metadata-capture.html#text-file
Please can you show a screenshot of what you have entered into the Now Playing plugin and what you have entered into Rocket Broadcaster.
Please can you show me a screenshot of the Now Playing configuration on the Now Playing plugin. For example, have you ticked the box that says "Save now playing track to a file" as well as entering a Now Playing file path, and also clicked Apply Changes.
Have you played a track to create the file? If it had a problem writing the file you would see an error on this window. If you continue to have problems please send your data using this tool and I can look at the logs: http://downloads.playitsoftware.com/DiagnosticsTool/PlayItDiagnosticsTool.exe
Yes and the .txt file written and saved no problem but Rocket Broadcaster do not recognized or find the .txt file on the same pc, saying error: file not found
As you said you can see that the file is written but Rocket Broadcaster cannot find the file I would suggest you contact Rocket Broadcaster Support
Thank you Jason,,,
Rich Clewes
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