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Music Shows No Audio Levels In Segue Editor

When I am sege editing, some tracks dont load the visual audio levels. I have tried closing the segue editor, zooming in. And still doesnt show up. The track plays fine audio wise. Its not just this specific track, its multiple.

The only plugin I have is the "Now Playing" one.


Hi George,

It's possible that your 'samples cache' has become corrupt. You can clear this out by right clicking the Start button and selecting Run and typing %temp%\PlayItSamples and clicking OK. Then clear out the contents of this folder. Then re-open the segue editor again.

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^^ Addition to this

I have tried updating to the latest version. As I was on a couple releases behind.

I had the same problem. I found out that my portable HDD where I keep all my audio was not connected. Once reconnected, my files are just fine.

Nope, still doing after a reconnect.


That seems to have fixed it! I will post another comment if it doesn't. Thanks very much. :)

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