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Latest version of Playitlive that supported win7 32bits

As above, anyone knows the latest version of playitlive that supports win7 32 bits?

Best Answer

The latest version of PlayIt Live still works with Windows 7 SP1 - - provided you have installed all Windows Updates. Note that this operating system is not supported by Microsoft and you should consider upgrading as most software will stop working eventually.


The latest version of PlayIt Live still works with Windows 7 SP1 - - provided you have installed all Windows Updates. Note that this operating system is not supported by Microsoft and you should consider upgrading as most software will stop working eventually.

I would also be somewhat concerned about the capability of the hardware.

While PlayIt Live will run on machines below the minimum specification, there is a tendency to get glitches in the audio.

I’m actually running lower then the spec needed haha, it work just fine, I also have voice meter banana working. However the some ui like add songs ui look a bit weird which I think they would be fine and don’t affect main software working.

still haven’t updated play it live to the most up to date ver so idk if it would be fixed at a later version.

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